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If the disease is detected in a timely manner, the prognosis is positive.


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With strict adherence to medical recommendations, a cure is observed in ninety percent of cases. After the operation, sanatorium-resort treatment is indicated. Patients will need to undergo preventive examinations every six months. The first stage of treatment is the use of conservative techniques. Children will be required to follow a dietary diet. The basis of the diet for pathological elongation of the intestine is plant foods rich in fiber. It is also useful to consume fermented milk products and vegetable oil. A big role is given to the drinking regime. A child can drink not only natural water, but also fruit drinks, compotes, and juices.

Treatment includes the use of medications. Strong laxatives are prohibited. Children are prescribed intestinal stimulants, antispasmodics, and painkillers. Multivitamins are mandatory. In the acute phase of the process, children are hospitalized in a hospital. Infants who are bottle-fed are transferred to infant formula containing prebiotics. In case of positive dynamics of treatment, surgical intervention is prescribed. Your doctor may also recommend surgery for constipation that lasts several weeks, intestinal obstruction, and neuromuscular conduction problems.

It is quite difficult to identify dolichocolon only on the basis of clinical manifestations. The symptoms of the disease are similar to those of other gastrointestinal diseases. Patients are prescribed a general blood test. In advanced cases, it will reveal a decreased level of hemoglobin, as well as an increased content of leukocytes, which indicates the development of an inflammatory reaction. Using a coprogram, you can identify blood impurities in stool. Irrigoscopy shows the length of the intestine, its shape and the number of loops. Colonoscopy can detect tumors. The study provides information about the condition of the mucous membrane, as well as the location of the intestine. During the procedure, a biopsy is performed if necessary.


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CT helps measure the intestine in three projections. The technique provides complete information about the location of the organ, its lumen, extent and the presence of fecal stones. Ultrasound shows fecal cords and increased intestinal length. Computed tomography will help make the correct diagnosis. Treatment of intestinal dolichocolon largely depends on the symptoms and complexity of the disease. Therapy includes several methods at once. diet, massages, enemas. Tricor Drug treatment of the intestines in adults involves taking laxatives and vitamin complexes. To eliminate pain, antispasmodics and analgesics are used. In severe cases, laparoscopy and laparotomy are performed. Indications for surgery are the presence of the following factors.

The asymptomatic form of the disease does not require specific treatment. It is best to give preference to plant-based laxatives, for example, Lactusan and Lactulose. It is better to buy tricor online strong drugs. If the disease is complicated by dysbiosis, patients are prescribed probiotics (Enterozermina or Bifidumbacterin). Siphon enemas will help speed up the process of cleansing the intestines. Massage helps normalize the functional activity of the intestinal tract. The correct technique helps to normalize peristalsis and speedy evacuation of feces. Massage movements should be performed very carefully. Otherwise, you can harm the patient, causing pain and nausea. Let's look at some massage techniques for dolichocolon. Gymnastics gives excellent results. Some exercises can be done independently at home. Do these exercises in the morning after waking up.


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A large role in the percentageDuring treatment, the patient’s diet plays a role. With dolichocolon, split meals in small portions of low-calorie food are indicated. If possible, try to buy tricor at the same time every day. Do not overeat under any circumstances. This can cause the bolus of food to become stuck and harden inside the intestines. So, dolichocolon is a serious pathology, which is based on the elongation of tricor pills. The first symptom of the disease is prolonged constipation, although the disease may not manifest itself for some time. As the disease progresses, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, and nausea appear.

Symptoms of body intoxication increase. Dolichocolon has a positive prognosis, provided timely consultation with a specialist, especially for young children. Untreated pathology can lead to intestinal obstruction and even death. Etiology and pathogenesis. Dolichocolon developmental anomaly. Lengthening of one or another section of the colon, most often the sigmoid colon and its mesentery, is not accompanied by a change in the diameter of the lumen and muscular membrane. Therefore, the motor function of the elongated colon does not differ from normal.



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If the propulsive function of fenofibrate pills, lengthening it does not lead to the appearance of any symptoms. When intestinal motility is impaired, dolichocolon manifests itself as bloating, pain, and constipation. These symptoms may appear as early as early childhood. On examination, moderate abdominal bloating, pain on palpation of the colon, and an enlarged sigmoid colon are noteworthy. Diagnosis. The diagnosis is made by irrigoscopy or colonoscopy. The motor-evacuation function of the colon is assessed using radiopaque markers and other methods.